Okay, finally I’m posting my interview with JUSTIN EVANS. Among other books, he has written a fine chapbook called Gathering up the Scattered Leaves.ÂÂ
As I’ve mentioned before, I admire anyone who’s great at their craft and as you will see from this interview with Justin, his poetry is worth reading and his thoughts about writing are worth reading about. Please leave questions and comments for Justin and be sure to buy his book–it’s linked above–and visit his website at Untalented Writer. And as you’ll see at his blog, he’s a fantastic photographer as well.
Pre-Dawn: Three Sisters
I am awake hours before the sun,                                                                                        ÂÂ
looking at the dark shadow                                                                                                           ÂÂ
that is my mountain. It’s hulking curve                                                                               ÂÂ
lumbers and shifts slightly                                                                                                            ÂÂ
with my every breath.
Whenever I come back to this placeÂÂ
After years of absence, it is the mountains                                                                                    ÂÂ
that startle me the most, their size                                                                                                ÂÂ
always shrinking in my mind                                                                                                          ÂÂ
like the old memory of a broken arm.
Though the minutes pass slow                                                                                                     ÂÂ
it is time well spent, waiting                                                                                                         ÂÂ
with the world as it shakes off the night,                                                                                   ÂÂ
small details quietly gathering                                                                                                     beneath the shirt tails of morning.
It’s good to have you back, Kathie!
What Justin Evans wrote about expensive poets being into coffee, berets and turtlenecks made me smile; I would add funny little cigarettes. These were de rigeur for would-be poets back when I was at university — Indonesian, I think they were, flavored with cloves and other spices. And boy, did they ever stink.
I also appreciate what he wrote about (inferior) poets expecting their poetry to resonate whether it makes sense or not. Poetry ought to be accessible without being over-the-top obvious, and there is nothing that smacks more of exclusive bull than a poet ranting about insensitive readers who fail to understand his/her art. I will look up Evans’ ‘Untalented Writer’ site.
Kathie, I didn’t know you were into poetry!
Yes, Jennifer, I am…check Justin’s work out.
Mary, I liked what Justin had to say about understanding poetry, too. I went to a critique conference this summer and was in a session with a poet who also wrote very acessible and beautiful poetry. The entire time (most of us non poets) we kept saying, “well, we aren’t poets, but that line is great.” and the poet would say “well, my critique group at home thinks I’m too transparent…” and so it went. We loved it, but her prior feedback was in a totally different direction. Maybe it’s about considering the audience. Do you want to sell something beautiful and understandable to the masses or something beautiful to three people. Or maybe none of that’s the point…