
This fall reminds me so much of when Jake was born four years ago. That year, the weather was balmy until December 1. So far, this one has been very similar though it seems as though the warmth is leaving a little faster this year.


This fall has been awesome. And there’s nothing realizing the very last fall day is upon me.

That day was last week.

Loved it.

If it stayed sixty degrees year around I’d be in heaven. But nowadays, I love the cold and think less fondly of the warm weather months.

So for now, I’m happy with the chilly weather and shorter days. For now.

6 thoughts on “Weather

  1. Hi, Kathie. I agree with you. I really enjoy and look forward to the change of seasons — it’s what makes this part of the world so cool (literally and figuratively at the moment). Of course, after 3-4 months of the seemingly Never-Ending Pennsylvania Winter I’ll be anxious to move on.

    A Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family…and to all my fellow housespouses/Cafe guests! See you Sunday!

  2. Ohhhh, I’m a cold weather weenie myself!

    You’ve been quiet…you must have fallen into the NaNoWriMo black hole! Did you meet your goal???

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