Charlotte Lynn has a Facebook Page that bursts with reviews of awesome books– a little something for everyone! She also reviews at A Novel Review with Laura Kay–they team up for an endless stream of recommendations and thoughtful perspectives on what works or doesn’t work for them in books. I’m so pleased to have the chance to turn the tables on Charlotte and ask her a few questions related to my newest release, [amazon_link id=”B00AN99FIQ” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Love and Other Subjects[/amazon_link]!
- Thank you so much for joining me, Charlotte. To get us started, tell me about school for you. What was your favorite subject in school? Least favorite?
Of course, being an avid reader, English was my favorite subject. I didn’t always enjoy the assignments or the required reading but I did enjoy discussing the books and hearing the rest of my classmates’ ideas and perceptions of the characters and plot.
Science is my least favorite. I need to physically see something to understand it. The equations and memorization did me in.
2. In the book, the name of Carolyn’s love interest is “Jeep,” or “Money” as she pseudo-affectionately calls him. What’s your favorite character “pet name” from a book or movie?
Dating myself, I have to say I loved Goose in Top Gun. Lt. Bradshaw made me laugh and cry. Top Gun is still one of my favorite movies.
3. Coors Light or Chardonnay?
Chardonnay. Nothing like cozying up next to a fire with my family and a good book or my knitting and drinking a glass of wine.
4. What teacher do you remember most? Why?
Mr Z., my gym teacher during high school and also the girl’s basketball coach. Even though I have no athletic ability he still included me and let me travel with the team. Just feeling like I belonged made such a difference to me.
5. What advice would you give to young women just out of college?
Travel. Travel while you are young and single. Before life, family, and responsibilities make it hard. Even if you have to stay in cheap hotels. Just seeing the world is amazing whether it is 5 stars or 1 star.
6. Is your first post-college love, someone to remember or someone to forget, why?
Definitely someone to remember. He is my husband. We met when we were still in school and it never ended. We’ve been married 13 years with two daughters and are still in love with each other.
7. Talk about your first job—one to remember or one to forget? Why?
I was fourteen and working for my dad in the restaurant that he owned. I bussed, did dishes, and even a little cooking. Definitely a job that trained me for the future. Even though I was the bosses daughter I was expected to work hard, show up on time, and do whatever had to be done. All of this shaped me for my life and my future jobs.
8. In thinking about your circle of friends right out of college—what do you remember most about the time you spent together?
My circle of friends out of college were not my best choice. I spent a lot of time wasted with them. My friends were very unmotivated and happy to just get by. Looking back now I wish I had made different choices and live my life more fully.
9. How about villainous bosses? Was your first job a version of “Devil Wears Prada” or “Mentor from Heaven?”
Ha! My dad was my first boss. It was hard when I made him mad at work and then had to ride home with him and live with him knowing that he was upset with me. But it was also good. He knew my schedule and was very good about making it so I could work and still be a teenager. Understanding when I wanted time off to go hang out with my friends or do a school activity.
10. Did your in-laws welcome you with open arms or scare you off with inside jokes and hoops to jump through?
My in-laws are amazing. They welcomed not only me, but the rest of my family with totally open arms. I have never felt like an outside with them and am so very lucky to have them in my life.
11. Carolyn’s hopefully someday future sisters-in-law used “The House of Mirth” to talk about her in negative ways…did you ever feel like you were a character in a book?
There have been days that I have felt like Stephanie Plum in Janet Evanovich’s books. Like no matter what I do it will end poorly and make someone laugh. But yet my family is always there to support me and pick me up. I just need to find my Ranger to follow behind me and clean up the messes.
Thanks so much, Charlotte! I think we all feel a little like Stephanie Plum once in a while…Readers–don’t forget to connect with Charlotte on her Facebook page and also at A Novel Review!