Preparing for the other half…

…of my life.

The half that works outside of the home.

The part that utilizes both what I know as a writer and a teacher.

So, over the sweltering summer (okay it’s been cold for most of June, but I love that, I won’t complain for anything about that…) I’ve been enjoying my kids and their activities and not having to monitor backpacks, school stuff, anything that seems to bring stress.

But, in my crazy enjoyment of life and all it entails, I had to begin to prepare for one of the workshops I’m doing at the school where I consult.

Seems easy enough. But, carving out professional time in my private, non-babysitter, life has been harder than I thought it would be.

So, sixteen hours into the major planning of the workshop (with many hours beforehand that yeilded ingredients but no concrete stuff until now) I’m ready to go and hopefully things will go well…

I’ll let you know…

I’m thinking of you all, hope everyone’s good and I’ll be back with a good post (relatively speaking of course) soon. 

Yes, and Fat Friday, it haunts me daily and I have not chickened out I’ve just been buried in writing materials.

Thanks for hanging in.

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