DSC01759, originally uploaded by kathieshoop.
HA! See how far I’ve come since the last photo? My supple knees and slender calves???? And seriously, I didn’t change anything at all. I can’t exactly say how I came to wear this skin. But I can truthfully admit that I definately didn’t diet, no siree!!!
Really, of course this ISN’T me. Sillies, you’re all so gullible.
This pretty set of knees comes straight from the Pittsburgh Ballet Theater where my daughter Beth takes classes and let me say, though these are not my knees, I used to have the same exact ones.
So, I’m still 12 pounds less. I suppose standing still is better than falling back…
Hope you all had terrific weekends!
I had those knees too, Kathie. But I could never do, um, third position (that is sort of third position, isn’t it?) quite that attractively.