
Okay, it’s time to vote for the little story you (any reader including Jaye, Anti-wife, and Mary) liked best. 

The person with the most votes will get a free copy of the book, Ransom Seaborn, by Bill Deasy.  He’s a solo artist and former lead singer of The Gathering Field.  His music is superb and the book is just as good…

So, vote away! Email me at to have your vote count…

One thought on “Mary–Anti-Wife–Jaye

  1. All three are great — in fact, I’d like to see stories come from each of them.

    But for the purpose of this content, I’ll vote for Mary’s story. I liked the surprise twist. Also, I’m the sort of person who might well have a rotting gourd in the basement, or at least the fridge.

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