Well, I have some news here…
You can find two of my stories–the birth of Jake and the birth of Elizabeth at Babyzone–if you go to www.babyzone.com/birthstories and then do a search for ELIZABETH or JAKE you’ll read some very fascinating stuff. Really, I’m sure you’ve heard nothing like it. Hahaha. Seriously, though, go read it for me.  ÂÂ
If you just go to Elizabeth’s story, Jake’s is linked there…I know you want to read that stuff and bad.
Coming hopefully tomorrow, is a link to an article I wrote dealing with mothers living with chronic illness. I have the hardcopy of Pittsburgh Parent where it appears, but the current (new) issue isn’t online yet…so, hopefully that’ll be here within the next day…Thanks in advance to those who read!
Also, don’t forget to visit Bed Rest is Hell website and blog for Regina and I are trying to build a platform for the book we’ve written called, well, imagine this–Bed Rest is Hell. If you know anyone in need of extra support during bed rest or pregancy or even people in bed for illnesses, pass along our addresses! Thanks a bunch.
You’ve been busy, lady. Congrats!
Terrific! Great job!
I love birth stories, Kathy, so I happily read yours. I think having a premature birth must be terribly unsettling, but I am ashamed to say that when I had my second I was praying she’d be at least two weeks ahead of time. It was hot and I was so overwhelmingly miserable that I was desperate to get it over with.
What fascinates me is how every woman’s story is completely different. I still remember meeting a woman at a party who’d just had her first baby. “Was it rough?” I asked her, pregnant with my second and remembering the pain of my first labor. Her answer? “Not especially.” (Yes, really!) She’d gone in to have a Casearean and before they could get her prepared, the baby had begun to come out, feet first, causing her (and I quote verbatim) “no more pain than a bad period.” And she claimed she was the first to go for the aspirin when she had a headache, too…
Jaye, thanks–and Cindy, I appreciate you reading! Mary, that’s so funny, because in many ways, every birth story is the same–but you’re right, we love to read them, hear them told and find the little bits and pieces that make them so different. Just the other day when I was at the pool with the kids, a group of women told, for no less than 65 minutes, their birth stories–and this group had teen age kids. The stories are def. embedded in your skin as much as in your mind. The topic of pain is a good one…clearly that woman has a thresh-hold even she didn’t realize existed.
congrats on getting in Parent Magazine!
I’m sure the column will be well recieved. You are an expert in the field of parenting with a chronic illness.
Sorry, no time to read the articles now. I just wanted to drop by and deliver my pulse to say I’m still alive. I’ll check it out when I have the time. See you soon.
Great stories.
Hey Jennifer, thanks for the support! And thanks also to SCott for letting us know you’re still ticking. Anti-wife…I appreciate you reading and commenting! I really do appreciate everyone’s support and kind words. It does mean something…
Hi Kathie
This is great! I’ve bookmarked the site. It may come in very handy for me since I’m in the thick of pregnancy at the tail end of my fifth month. I’m going to read your articles now…