
I am when it comes to TV.  I’m about to reveal top-secret information about myself that could mean the end of the world’s perception of me as the coolest person on the planet. 

Yes, I know what you’re thinking.  But this will put me further in the hole of no longer coolness.

I adore Murder She Wrote.

There’s nothing better than a re-run of The Commish.

And Magnum PI?  Is there anything wittier than the reparte between Thomas and TC?  Higgins and Magnum?  Please, that show more than sustains the test of time.

Let’s see…Columbo, yes.

Then of course, there are the “acceptable” re-runs I can’t get enough of:  Law and Order, Judging Amy, ER.  I just can’t turn these shows off even though I’ve seen them before…

Fess up people.  What do you watch that until now has been under wraps?  Everybody must have something they watch that they’d prefer no one knew about.  Yes, you can include movies like “Patty does the Pittsburgh Pirates.”

How about you?  Time to come out of

8 thoughts on “Cheeseball…

  1. Magnum, Murder She Wrote, Spin City (best comedy ever), Miami Vice (which I missed the first time around- I think that I was in High School) and any Hallmark Made for TV Christmas Themed or Cowboy Type Movie. Lifetime Movie Network Holiday Movies are right up there, too. I guess that I am even less cool than Kathie!!

  2. Oh, and for current TV- I can’t stop watching Nip/Tuck. It is the most bizarre, cleverly written, and perverted show that I have ever seen. Sometimes I have to cover my eyes for a scene– just like a little kid does with scary movies. I’m hooked.

  3. I agree with both Antisocial and Mimi,
    there’s so much good bad tv there’s almost no time for the Nip Tucks of the world. I still have to catch that one.

  4. I’ve recently become addicted to the new Battlestar Gallactica. Mind you, I am so not a sci-fi person. This addiction is to blame on the same person who got me hooked on Firefly–Mr. Jaye. He is also to blame for my Lost and The Shield addictions. Damn man! And damn whomever decided to put shows out on DVD, which makes it so easy to become hooked on a new show.

  5. I know Jaye…It’s cable too. I never watched an episode of Judging Amy, ER, Murder She Wrote until seeing them on cable. I could go for a little Moonlighting rerun-fest. I wonder if it holds up over time???

  6. Taming of the Shrew…that was a good one. My favorite was the one when they were running through a restaurant chasing someone in a black veil hat thingy and everyone slips and falls and slides into some mess of stuff.

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