Source of Inspiration

Originally uploaded by kathieshoop

Well, this is the crew that inspired my WIP, the one I’m about to Query. It’s still untitled, but without a doubt it’s the strongest thing I’ve written yet.

My other book that didn’t sell and the one my agent turned down were both deemed "small and quiet." While this book is rich with the character stuff I love to write, the plot is huge. And to be truthful, I finally understand what editors and agents mean by that….

Here’s to the old literary learning curve, I guess.

5 thoughts on “Source of Inspiration

  1. Anti-wife…thanks for welcoming me back! I did not go to Siberia though I have friends moving to Serbia soon, but really, thanks!

    Dana, these are my Great Great Grandparents and their children are my G. Grandfather and G. Aunts and Uncles. I used their lives (and love letters) as a jumping off point for the book–which is complete fiction–but I’m just finishing up my query letter so it won’t be on the shelves for at least a year…thanks so much for stopping in. I really do appreciate the support–you too anti-wife.

  2. I’m sure your great grandparents are smiling, laughing…maybe cringing a little. Nothing like great family stories to draw on for inspiration.

  3. Yes, Jamie, all of the above, I’m afraid. I know my GG grandmother would approve, GG grandfather? Less so, probably. But maybe not. He would prob. be happy to have someone write about him 125 years later-feed that dreamy ego of his…hahahaha. Seriously, I’m lucky to have all the documents I do and so lucky to have had such wonderful, colorful relatives.

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