The Bridal Shop Series is set primarily in Eagle Bend, Pennsylvania, a small town just outside of Pittsburgh. The series follows Amelia Pettipiece and kicks off in A Puff of Silk with her career soaring, a grand penthouse apartment on Central Park, and handsome boyfriend who supports her ambitions. But when Amelia’s signature design, the famous FiFi Hererra’s wedding dress, disintegrates off the bride’s body as she walks down the aisle, every thread of Amelia’s charmed life unravels. Each book takes the reader closer to discovering how everything went so wrong, so quickly. Amelia’s journey reveals the most important things in life aren’t always as flashy as the fashion world suggests.
Praise for Series
“I couldn’t help but get involved with Amelia’s plight as she watches that dress fall apart as FiFi approaches the altar. The scene has such marvelous comedic impact; one is both horror-stricken and full of sympathy but it’s still such a very funny scene. Amelia’s worst day, however, is doomed to get even worse — one just knows it. That’s how quickly I was entranced with her story and eager to find out what happened next. Shoop’s plot is brilliant, and her characters feel like fully-dimensional people. I had a grand time reading this well-written and compelling tale that even had me considering relocating to Pittsburgh, Amelia’s home town.”
— Jack Magnus– Readers’ Favorite
“A Puff of Silk (Bridal Shop Series Book 1) is a fast-paced story that flows seamlessly from one point to the next, carrying your whole attention along with it, eager to learn how Amelia is going to get out of the unimaginable chaos that her life has become overnight. Kathleen Shoop wrote an amazing story that will draw you in. I could not help but fall in love with Amelia through her troubles and daily tears.”
— Faridah Nassozi–Readers’ Favorite