Hi guys,

I’m checking in really fast and I apologize again for not going to everyone’s sites.  I will just as soon as the smoke clears.

The tonsilectomy went fine, but the anesthesia made Jake insane coming out of surgery.  Like straightjacket material.  Weirdest thing I ‘ve ever seen…I’ll do a real post on that soon.  And also the bras….They’re coming soon.

I’ll leave you with one interesting tidbit I gleaned from something called “Morning File” in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.  It’s a collection of informational bites regarding the use of cursing conversation.  Lots of little pieces from different studies, etc.  But what I found so funny was this part:

By The Numbers

“Seventy-four percent of Americans said they hear profanity in public either frequently or occasionally, according to a year-old Associated Press-Ipsos poll. And 67 percent said they were offended by it. Meanwhile, an almost equal number (64 percent) said they use the F-word anywhere from several times a day to a few times a year. Which would seem to indicate that people would rather say bad words than hear them.”

Doesn’t this just sum we Americans up perfectly?

ps–I don’t know if it’s correct to say “we” Americans or “us” and I don’t have time to look so if anyone knows which is right (and I might have spelled tonsilectomy wrong…dooooonnn’tttt haaaave tiiiiiime.) feel free to tell me.

10 thoughts on “ETC…

  1. Excuse my french.

    I went out to my laundry room this morning, which is sort of an addendum to my garage. I get my kid some clean socks and hear through my garage door at 7 in the morning a moody, “Hey, fuck you…”

    I don’t know who was right on the other side of my garage door (It’s pretty near the street) but obviously the day hadn’t started very well for him.

    I wonder if it was the same guy I caught allowing his dog to “water” my lawn. The dog was wearing a sherpa and leather coat. It would have been funny had I turned on the hose, because that’s what I do to dissuade other dogs from messing on my lawn.

  2. Hi, Kathie! Great blog – and nice reminder to clean up my language, too. 🙂
    I tend to be a closet (and kitchen and laundry room) swearer, rather than a public one, but it’s still a hard habit to break.

  3. Kathy, glad to hear the procedure went well. I know my kids came out of the anesthesia in a bad way, too, for their ear tubes and tear duct procedures. I can only imagine. It probably made you want to say “What the f–k?!” (Had to throw that in.) I have the mouth of a trucker or sailor many days, but am usually good about not doing it around the kids. Now that’s a real WTF.

    Rest up!

  4. Uh oh, I have a feeling someone might be trying to tell me something! I have a potty mouth, I admit it (though not in public!).

    Hope the little guy is feeling better.

  5. If that ain’t America, I don’t know what is.

    Poor little Jake….I hope the rest of his recovery goes well. Unlimited ice cream as doctor’s orders!?! I want MY tonsils out! I don’t need em, right?

    As for the rest….ah, fuck it all. (I’m a confirmed out-of-kids’/parents’/strangers’-earshot potty-mouth, plain and simple.) 🙂

  6. Thanks everyone for your thoughts. I’m posting tonight and within two days should be back on everyone else’s blogs…sorry again for the delay, but I appreciate you checking in so much.

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