Hi guys,
I’m checking in really fast and I apologize again for not going to everyone’s sites. I will just as soon as the smoke clears.
The tonsilectomy went fine, but the anesthesia made Jake insane coming out of surgery. Like straightjacket material. Weirdest thing I ‘ve ever seen…I’ll do a real post on that soon. And also the bras….They’re coming soon.
I’ll leave you with one interesting tidbit I gleaned from something called “Morning File” in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. It’s a collection of informational bites regarding the use of cursing conversation. Lots of little pieces from different studies, etc. But what I found so funny was this part:
Doesn’t this just sum we Americans up perfectly?
ps–I don’t know if it’s correct to say “we” Americans or “us” and I don’t have time to look so if anyone knows which is right (and I might have spelled tonsilectomy wrong…dooooonnn’tttt haaaave tiiiiiime.) feel free to tell me.
Nice f***ing post, Kathie.
This does sum up the American mindset quite well. The rules apply to everyone but me, right?
Excuse my french.
I went out to my laundry room this morning, which is sort of an addendum to my garage. I get my kid some clean socks and hear through my garage door at 7 in the morning a moody, “Hey, fuck you…”
I don’t know who was right on the other side of my garage door (It’s pretty near the street) but obviously the day hadn’t started very well for him.
I wonder if it was the same guy I caught allowing his dog to “water” my lawn. The dog was wearing a sherpa and leather coat. It would have been funny had I turned on the hose, because that’s what I do to dissuade other dogs from messing on my lawn.
Thats quite an interesting study. I like that.
Hi, Kathie! Great blog – and nice reminder to clean up my language, too. 🙂
I tend to be a closet (and kitchen and laundry room) swearer, rather than a public one, but it’s still a hard habit to break.
Kathy, glad to hear the procedure went well. I know my kids came out of the anesthesia in a bad way, too, for their ear tubes and tear duct procedures. I can only imagine. It probably made you want to say “What the f–k?!” (Had to throw that in.) I have the mouth of a trucker or sailor many days, but am usually good about not doing it around the kids. Now that’s a real WTF.
Rest up!
Uh oh, I have a feeling someone might be trying to tell me something! I have a potty mouth, I admit it (though not in public!).
Hope the little guy is feeling better.
LOL @ blog post and LOL @ Becky’s comment.
If that ain’t America, I don’t know what is.
Poor little Jake….I hope the rest of his recovery goes well. Unlimited ice cream as doctor’s orders!?! I want MY tonsils out! I don’t need em, right?
As for the rest….ah, fuck it all. (I’m a confirmed out-of-kids’/parents’/strangers’-earshot potty-mouth, plain and simple.) 🙂
Thanks everyone for your thoughts. I’m posting tonight and within two days should be back on everyone else’s blogs…sorry again for the delay, but I appreciate you checking in so much.